1. Buy your outfits first
The final hair and makeup looks will largely depend on the style, cut and color of the outfits. Don’t schedule your hair and makeup trial until you know what you are wearing for each event. (expand)
2. Find inspirational photos of hair and makeup looks
Have an idea for what you are looking for, but keep an open mind. Be open to the artist’s recommendations, because they have valuable experience and will intuitively know which styles will suit your face the best. (expand)

3. Bring all of your accessories
Remember to bring all accessories, including: earrings, necklaces, headpieces, veils, etc. Show the artist fabrics from your outfit so that colors can be matched for your makeup. If a fabric needs to be draped on your head, show your artist the fabric so they can show do a trial of securing it to your hair.
4. Schedule smart
Schedule the hair and makeup trial date on a day that you have plans, so you can show your look off! Try to plan this appointment to be before engagement photos, bridal shower, bachelorette party, or just a fun night out!
5. Be natural, clean, and product-free
Makeup sits well on hydrated skin so drink lots of water in the months leading up, and always! Maintain your normal skin-care routine and don’t try any new products in the weeks leading up. Hair should be washed the night before, and kept product free, with no styling.

6. Keep an eye on the time
We want a very realistic estimate of time that it will take the artist to achieve the final hair and makeup looks. Keep an eye on the time during the trial so that you know how much time to allocate for hair and makeup in the morning schedule.
7. 5 hour update
How is your hair and makeup looking in the hours after the trial? Have your curls fallen out? How faded is your lipstick? Did anything smudge? Make note and plan to tell your artist on the day-of.